Monday, February 4, 2008

Hello World

(04 Feb 2008) - Another day in the life of the B.O.B. I feel so refreshed. Just came back from the gym. Went there with my wife, as always. Unfortunately, she's mad at me coz I asked if we could leave early. The thing is, we usually exercise for an hour, but today I had enough after 30 mins. So, I asked that weleave. I could see she was annoyed, I didn't understand why (in fact, I still don't). By the way this is something I do almost everytime we go there. But usually, she ignores me or persuade me to stay for another 30 mins, and I manage it fairly well. BUT, not today. I guess it was not my lucky day.

Okay, So, we came back, I took a nice hot shower, then filled my belly with umphokoqo namasi (yeah). Then I rushed to my PC, to start my very first blog. It is now over 30 mins since I tried connecting to the Internet, NO LUCK :-(I'm not sure whether it is GPRS or the network I'm using. So, seeing that I'm so eager to do this blogging thing, I am writing this in none other than.............NOTEPAD (Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa). Don't ask me why I'm using Notepad, I just felt like it.

Anyway, I was hoping to write something meaningful on this, but I thought I'd vent out my frustrations first.

Sir Internet, pleeeeaaaase work now.
Oh, by the way, I've restarted twice already, NO LUCK.

3 hours later, I can finally post my blog. Weeeeeeow, this is gonna be fun.................not

1 comment:

Freerider said...

Heita Hola Mbobisto!